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How do I place an order?It's simple! Select your items and just follow how to pay instructions. If you have any questions please contact us or call us at 310-220-0504
Do I need an account to place an order?No! You can shop at Perry Jones II without setting up an account.
What are your shipping methods & Cost?Shipping is included with your purchase. We do Ground Shipping. Special delivery will be added if requested. A $35-$40 Charge. Rush order like overnight delivery/next day will be an additional $35.
What are your Exchange & Return policies?No returns after the garment has been cut. Exchange/Change only if the garment has not been cut yet. Please contact us at 310-220-0504 or email us at for more.
How do I cancel my order?If you wish to cancel your order please Contact us as soon as possible or call us at 310-220-0504
Is sales tax applied to my order?It's all included with your purchase. Perry Jones II charges state, county & local taxes for online transactions as required by applical laws.
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